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Protestant Religion

Countries with a Protestant population and the percentage

Barbados (67)
United States (56)
Jamaica (55.9)
Malawi (55)
Micronesia (47)
Germany (45)
Switzerland (44.3)
Kiribati (40.9)
Kenya (38)
Uganda (33)
Belize (30)
New Caledonia (30)
Suriname (25.2)
Netherlands (25)
Belgium (25)
Central African Republic (25)
Zaire (20)
Haiti (16)
Dominica (15)
Angola (15)
Panama (15)
Trinidad and Tobago (14)
Bahamas (12)
Chile (11)
Papua New Guinea (10)
Rwanda (9)
Philippines (9)
Slovakia (8.4)
Liechtenstein (8.3)
Saint Lucia (7)
Mexico (6)
Indonesia (6)
Austria (6)
Romania (6)
Solomon Islands (5)
Nicaragua (5)
Czech Republic (4.6)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (4)
New Zealand (3)
France (2)
Kazakstan (2)
Venezuela (2)
Uruguay (2)
Argentina (2)
Portugal (1)
Serbia and Montenegro (1)
Croatia (0.4)
Bulgaria ()